Friday, July 6

Tagged for the first time!

My first tag (nervous :P)... Tagged by "the Walking webster"...

1. Books that Changed Your Life
Mathematics volume-I (12th std)
(I am serious)

2. A Book that I have read more than once
All the harry potter books except 4th one (Which i like the most,this is what they call irony)
(I didnt read Mathematics volume-I more than once :|)

3. A Book You'd Take onto a Desert Island
ponniyin selvan and Alchemist

4. Books That Made You Laugh
Everybook make me laugh :|... Most funniest would be catch-22(major major major major)... I haven't read it but just had a glimpse... Have to get it...

5. Books That Made You Cry
cry? u kidding?
let me see...
Lord of the rings*
Bomb beyond ages and muthu talkies :P

6. A Book You Wish Had Been Written
Ponniyin selvan and brief history of time

7. Books You Wish Had Never Been Written
Barry trotter :P

8. Books You're Currently Reading
like the flowing river
shall we tell the president

9. Books You've Been Meaning To Read
catch-22 (Joseph Heller)
timeline (michael crichton)
state of fear (michael crichton)
A walk to remember
And any Robin Cook book... (Help me)

*lord of the rings- This book made me cry because it overloaded my poor little memory with lots of names... So i cried involuntarily (obviously i didnt complete the book and i never will)


Nithya said...

Thanks for taking up the tag ;)

"7. Books You Wish Had Never Been Written
Barry trotter :P"

How is the book ?? I've been wanting to read it...Is it funny enough ?? Varun had that book i guess...

"A Brief History of Time" - Bharat influence a ? ;)

Erm..What is Ponniyin Selvan all about ?

Aravind said...

Barry trotter is monotonous... Not at all good.. Varun has it (the third part i guess)..

"A brief history of time" is my favourite... (y shud bharat influence me to read a book thats filled with topics i like??? :|)

Ponniyin selvan is all about raja raja cholan... His story...

SHIVA said...

wen i was updatin my blog "Brief history of time" never struck my mind :(

Aravind said...

@shiv:how could you forget that... A book full of physics... dealing with "black holes (the darker side of the universe :P"....
read this:

Ryan said...

yea da barry trotter sucks!! the comedy gets boring after a while

and brief history of time...yea!!!

de lotr sakka da....po da poda

Aravind said...

@chandler: Always computers become unstable when a program destroys the memory or overloads the memory..

That's what happened with me! But nobody can describe like Tolkien... His imagination is simply not reachable...